Rating: 92.75

Beautiful girl! And the case that the glasses are very to the face, Created an image! The portrait is good!
The result is an image !!!
Excellent portrait
remove the color and it will be good) IMHO
A beautiful stranger!
Oh, "cut". The old robbers Smile  Smile
Vlad O., Vlad O., Vlad O., Is there a negative visual experience? What is it like? Where to go after him? !!!
Wrestling, this is BUT ... about the general "GRAY" BACKGROUND ON THE SITE .....
an owl with icterus sclera will not forgive you (NEVER WAP) your hobby for PARTS. https: //a.radikal.ru/a11/2104/65/05a11e350bc9.jpg
pictures for themselves cannot, poentamu tokmo so. narrow-eyed mallards. https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = OTi-8gvbPYg
Good job !!!