Rating: 67.41

Stairwell at the Leitz company
... view from the bottom up
You will find two Spiral stairs at the Leica headquarters in Wetzlar . One size (large diameter), but this is only accessible on special occasions (this picture shows the stairwell of the larger spiral staircase) and a small spiral staircase (small diameter)
the it goes over several floors. The small stair are accessible because that leads to the customer’s toilet.
Nikolai Kondakov,

Vielen Dank, Nikolai. Gruß Herbert
Photo Design ... Good.
Hi Herbert, nicely done!
Your photo reminded me my visit to Leica headquarters, so I went to archive to look for the same stairway. Then I came with the idea of photo dialogue on this site - we all have travelled around the globe (at least before COVID 19) shooting many object and each colleague has different view of the same.
Igor G.,

Vielen Dank, Igor.
Gruß Herbert
Viktor Buhrov,

Ich danke Ihnen, Viktor.
Gruß Herbert
Boris Gurevich,

Thank you very much, Boris, for your kind words.
How do I have to imagine that with the "photo dialogue"?
Where to participate ?.
I would be very interested in your picture of the "Leica staircase". Have you already set it?
Best regards, Herbert
Herbert A Franke, Thank you for reply, Herbert. Here is my photo https://m.photocentra.com/work/904908?id_auth_photo=34347
My original idea was to expose certain objects by number of photographers and I'm still open to that.
Besides the colleagues proposed flash mobs - many authors with same topic, for example yesterday we've published photos of photographers, by author Inversed Men, today I've initiated another - photo with photos. Just go to my page and look for recent upload. I'll assist you in case of any complications with Russian.
Regards, Boris.
Boris Gurevich,

Such similar photos are also in my archive. I will try to find her.
I find your photo is very well done, Boris. It has very nice shades of gray.
Best regards, Herbert
Herbert A Franke, Or just pick another object somewhere over the Europe, I believe we could find some.
Boris Gurevich,

I have just uploaded a new stair picture from Leitz. I can only upload a new picture tomorrow. Greetings Herbert